BetterU Challenge: GEORGINA TENNY — TK Business Magazine


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BetterU Challenge: GEORGINA TENNY
Lecturer Modern Languages College of Arts & Sciences Washburn University Advice A healthy lifestyle provides not only a longer life, but also a better quality of life. Understand your worth and that taking care of yourself is a gift to yourself, to your family now and

Georgina TennyLecturer
Modern Languages
College of Arts & Sciences
Washburn University

A healthy lifestyle provides not only a longer life, but also a better quality of life. Understand your worth and that taking care of yourself is a gift to yourself, to your family now and to generations to come!

Why BetterU?
I was in a slump. I needed something to get me motivated to be healthy. This program came just at the right time.

Success with BetterU
Through my newly acquired education I was able to drop a few pounds and improve my health. My knee is feeling so much better that I am running a half marathon on the 15th! I am so excited. What’s more, my energy is back! I am a better mother and a better teacher because I feel healthier! It is like a miracle. My back does not hurt, my knees are working well, life is good.

One Goal Achieved
I wanted to get strong and healthy enough to run a half marathon.

Favorite Part of BetterU
The people! The feeling that others wanted me to succeed. What made it so rewarding was making my daughters proud. One of my girls told me I’m the best looking 40 year old.

Unknown-1Biggest Obstacle
Making the time to exercise. Sometimes I had to get up very early to keep my exercise schedule, but I always felts so good afterwards.

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