BetterU Challenge: TERESA JENKINS — TK Business Magazine


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BetterU Challenge: TERESA JENKINS
Account Manager jones huyett Partners Advice Start with a few little changes—drink more water, eat more produce, move more. Then layer on more changes as you go, until new habits develop. And if you fall off the wagon, pull yourself back up! Risk Factors My grandf

Teresa JenkinsAccount Manager
jones huyett Partners

Start with a few little changes—drink more water, eat more produce, move more. Then layer on more changes as you go, until new habits develop. And if you fall off the wagon, pull yourself back up!

Risk Factors
My grandfather died suddenly of a heart attack and my grand mother died unexpectedly at age 49 from a blockage in a lung artery. My parents have other health concerns, including high blood pressure and diabetes.

Why BetterU?
I had made significant lifestyle changes over the summer—diet and exercise—and I wanted to keep the momentum going and help bring awareness to women about heart health.

Success with BetterU
I lost 20 pounds over the summer and have lost five more during the program. I’ve become more aware of sodium and cholesterol levels in food. I’ve increased my activity.

Challenges Overcame
I’ve wanted to run a 5K for several years, but weight and injuries have kept me from it. I started a couch potato for 5K program during BetterU, and I know I’ll make my goal!

One Goal Achieved
To learn more about how food choices and exercise impact my health, and to stay the course or my weight loss journey.

Favorite Part of Better U
Yoga! I never knew how vigorous it could be. And I use the stretches to help cool down after a workout.

Biggest Obstacle
Making healthy choices when traveling for work. I travel frequently for my job, and I struggle with staying active and making good nutrition choices.

Inspiration for OthersUnknown-1
The older we get, the more difficult it can be to make lifestyle changes. I’m a mom of a busy teen. I have a challenging, demanding career. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!



BetterU Challenge: GEORGINA TENNY