BetterU Challenge: GAYLE JAY — TK Business Magazine


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BetterU Challenge: GAYLE JAY
Vice President Records Management Manager Capitol Federal Savings Advice Let’s embrace our lives, what they are today and what we can make of them tomorrow. No matter what your reasons, no matter what your situation there is a way to make things better. Come on now, victor

Gayle JayVice President
Records Management Manager

Capitol Federal Savings

Let’s embrace our lives, what they are today and what we can make of them tomorrow. No matter what your reasons, no matter what your situation there is a way to make things better. Come on now, victory no matter how small is worth celebrating.

Why BetterU?
Over the past year, I have had success at dropping some pounds, I had hit the proverbial wall when I came upon the BetterU application. I was beginning to lose faith in my power to achieve a better sense of overall health and wellbeing.

I had quit smoking for over four years then started again. I was keeping it a dirty little secret from my co-workers (or so I thought).

I thought about the poor example I was setting for my two sons. I was doing them a disservice by not setting a better example. This led to thoughts about my six grand children. I was not setting a good example, let alone the fact that there was no way to know how long I would be able to keep up with them if I kept on my current path. After all this thinking (ouch), I realized I had obviously run out of excuses to not embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Success with BetterU
Three cheers, I have quit smoking!!!!!

I feel stronger emotionally and physically. My body doesn’t ache and I have energy again. I signed up for a 5k walk and made it. I don’t feel stressed. Today I accomplish so much more and yet still find time to keep moving!

Unknown-1One Goal Achieved
Number one goal—believe in me—my power, my strength and my faith.

Favorite Part of BetterU
My favorite part was actually being able to have a trainer direct me toward the proper exercise workout for me; KEEP ON MOVIN’!

Biggest Obstacle
I might have to say that my personal time constraint excuse might have been a bigger obstacle than smoking cessation. Either way, they are behind me now.

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