“People Helping People” is a guiding philosophy for credit unions and a motto for daily operations at Educational Credit Union (ECU). This year, ECU has been able to help even more people with the announcement of a $16,500 donation to the Topeka Rescue Mission. Over the past year, ECU has been able to expand their giving for the Topeka Rescue Mission. This is the result of their board and member/owners, who have helped designate and dedicate more funds to this worthy essential community resource.
The funds raised were the result of three main sources: ECU’s designated charitable giving, the newly launched ECU Topeka Rescue Mission (TRM) Debit Card and ECU’s Skip A Pay program.
ECU’s TRM Debit Card was launched last December and currently has 500 debit cards dedicated to raising funds for the Topeka Rescue Mission. Every time this card is used with a non-pin transaction, ECU gives ten cents to TRM. With over 60,000 qualifying transactions, so far this year, every little bit really does add up. These transactions will contribute over $6,000 this year! ECU’s Skip A Pay program also gives back to the mission and helps ECU members with the financial stress of the holidays. This program lets members skip one loan payment between November through January on approved loans, with the suggestion of making a donation to the Topeka Rescue Mission.
The Topeka Rescue Mission has been one of ECU’s four charities of choice for several years. With more than 60 years of service helping the homeless, the Topeka Rescue Mission is a vital community resource ECU plans to continue to support. The Topeka Rescue Mission is able to provide food and shelter for just a dollar per day per homeless guest.