New Topeka Community Foundation Board Members Elected — TK Business Magazine


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New Topeka Community Foundation Board Members Elected
  The Topeka Community Foundation has elected three new board members for three-year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2016. They are Barry Feaker, Executive Director, Topeka Rescue Mission; Brett Klausman, Vice President of Operations, Midwest Health;  and Sarah Lucero, Principal, Scott Dual Lan

Sarah LuceroBarry FeakerBrett Klausman  

The Topeka Community Foundation has elected three new board members for three-year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2016.

They are Barry Feaker, Executive Director, Topeka Rescue Mission; Brett Klausman, Vice President of Operations, Midwest Health;  and Sarah Lucero, Principal, Scott Dual Language Magnet School.

The officers of the Board of Directors include Shelly Buhler, Chair; Chris McGee, Vice Chair; Dr. Grace Morrison, Secretary; Brad Owen, Treasurer; and Nancy Lewis, Immediate Past Chair.

The Topeka Community Foundation manages nearly $45 million in assets and more than 390 funds created by individuals, families, businesses, civic and nonprofit organizations.  The Foundation is 33 years old this year.








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