Local Ophthalmology Practice opens office in LawrenceGenstler Eye Center recently opened to its newest location at 4505 W Sixth Street, Suite C in Lawrence, Kansas. Dr. Stephen Hinton will be the primary staff physician in the Lawrence office.
Lawrence, Kan. (April 6, 2017) - Dr. Hinton has practiced ophthalmology since 2010 and is committed to serving his patients with both an exceptional personal experience and the highest level of skill. Dr. Hinton received his undergraduate at University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) and graduated summa cum laude with a degree in physiology in 2005. He earned his medical degree at University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) in 2009 and completed an internal medicine internship at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. He then returned to UTSW to finish his training in ophthalmology residency.
“I am very excited to serve the Lawrence community. The added location will only enhance the excellent vision care that our doctors and staff have been providing for the past 23 years,” Dr. Hinton said. “Our mission at Genstler Eye Center is to provide our patients and the community with personalized, high- quality and compassionate eye care in a friendly, comfortable environment. We look forward to carrying out our mission in the Lawrence community.”
Genstler Eye Center has served the greater Topeka and Manhattan communities since 1994. The doctors and staff at Genstler Eye Center are specialized to perform a number of refractive and ophthalmic procedures, like LASIK and cataract surgery. They are committed to enhancing people’s sight through early diagnosis of eye diseases and conditions and offering the most advanced treatment and services in a compassionate environment.