
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


BEST OF SHOW Internet Commerical Fullerton Financial Advisors Excel Blake Kresge

Social Media The Fridge Liquor Social Media Campaign Commercial 1Commercial 2Commercial 3 Commercial 4 502 Media Group Kehoulani Krimbill and Adam Owens

Webisode The Fridge Christmas Special 502 Media Group Kehoulani Krimball and Blade Mages

Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds Valeo Peer Support Video
Gizmo Pictures Brian Broeckelman

Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds Redi-Systems Central Vac Video
JNT Company
Jeff Hake, Collin Martin, Josh Fry, Hanna Kemble, CJ Drumeller, DJ Stover, Michele Brentano and Thom Smith

Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism
Prairie Spirit Trail Video
jones huyett Partners The jhP Team

Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism
Sunflowers Online Music Video
jones huyett Partners The jhP Team

Branded Content More Than 60 Seconds What If Video
MotoVike Films
Josiah Engstrom and Andrew Ross

B-to-B Website www.jhpadv.com
jones huyett Partners The jhP Team


Consumer Website Back 9 Website www.back9dev.com
Imagemakers Dusty Thomas, Ben York, Colin MacMillan, Brian John, Clayton Leis, Steven Vondruska

Digital Advertising Microsite Services | Behind the Advisors Excel Holiday Card Site | Advisors Excel | Marcus Rangel

Digital Advertising Microsite Services | Behind the Advisors Excel Holiday Card Site | Advisors Excel | Marcus Rangel

Digital Advertising Microsite Services Behind the Advisors Excel Holiday Card Site http://behindtheaecard.com
Advisors Excel Marcus Rangel

Digital Advertising Microsites Products | World Series of Sales Website | Advisors Excel | Marcus Rangel

Digital Advertising Microsites Products | World Series of Sales Website | Advisors Excel | Marcus Rangel

Microsites Products World Series of Sales Website www.theworldseriesofsales.com
Advisors Excel Marcus Rangel

News Releases

TK Business Magazine is always excited to share the news about your organizations success. So please share your ribbon cuttings, open houses, new hires, new product or service. You can email your news releases to braden@tkmagazine.com

TK Business Magazine is always excited to share the news about your organizations success. So please share your ribbon cuttings, open houses, new hires, new product or service. You can email your news releases to braden@tkmagazine.com

AAF GOLD AWARD WINNERS: Television & Local Campaigns

AAF GOLD AWARD WINNERS: Television & Local Campaigns

AAF GOLD AWARD WINNERS: Elements of Advertising

AAF GOLD AWARD WINNERS: Elements of Advertising