Voter Information for Tuesday's Primary Election Shawnee County Election Commissioner Andrew Howell would like to remind Shawnee County voters of voting options remaining and other helpful information prior to Tuesday's Primary Election.
Shawnee County Election Commissioner Andrew Howell would like to remind Shawnee County voters of voting options remaining and other helpful information prior to Tuesday's Primary Election.
Voter's still have time to vote in person at the Shawnee County Election Office. His office is open for voting tomorrow (Monday, August 3rd) from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm noon. By state law, early in-person voting ends at 12:00 pm noon on the day before the election! "So far, voters have not had to wait in line for early voting even though we are following social distancing and other current public health protocols. Voters may find it very convenient to come here to vote.” Howell said.
Voter's that have already received advance by mail ballots are encouraged to return them in person to the Election Office until 7:00 pm on Election Day or they may drop them off at polling locations on Election Day until 7:00 pm. The deadline to request an advance ballot by mail has passed.
For voter's going to the Polling Place on Election Day, Election Commissioner Howell is also reminding voters of the following items:
Voters should note the location of and vote at their assigned voting place. Voters may verify their voting place by calling the Election Office at (785) 251-5900 or online at: It's important for voters to go to their assigned polling location as it will be the only location that will have the voter's correct ballot. Each precinct has a unique ballot for the Democratic and Republican Parties.
Voter's that are unaffiliated may still join either the Democratic or Republican parties at the time of voting and are required to do so prior to voting.
Voters should be aware of road construction and street closures to and around their voting place. Alternate routes or access may be necessary in some cases and some voters may want to consider the convenience of early voting or preplanning their route to their polling place.
Voters may also view their Sample Ballots online at:
Anyone with any questions concerning their voter registration status may call the Election Office at (785) 251-5900. Additional information is also available on the Shawnee County Election website at Voters who require assistance should also call the Election Office.