Rotary Grant Award to benefit Mental Health ConsumersRotary District 5710 which represents Northeast Kansas has received a $25,000 Disaster Response grant from The Rotary Foundation to focus on individuals in the Topeka community who are experiencing mental health issues and who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Rotary District 5710 which represents Northeast Kansas has received a $25,000 Disaster Response grant from The Rotary Foundation to focus on individuals in the Topeka community who are experiencing mental health issues and who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Individuals affected by mental illness are struggling with a variety of issues including loss of job or steady income, food insecurity and an increase in mental health symptoms due to loneliness, isolation and fear. Because of the pandemic situation, agencies normally serving this special population within our community are being inundated with requests for special assistance during this time, while focusing on protecting consumers and staff from the pandemic.
The Topeka South Rotary Club members are coming together during this critical time and will be purchasing emergency food boxes for consumers and protective personal equipment for the four primary agencies serving persons with mental illness in Shawnee County, including: Valeo Behavioral Health Care, Family Service and Guidance Center, Breakthrough House, and the Sunshine Connection. These agencies serve in excess of 15,000 individuals on an annual basis.