Abbey Frye | YWCA Women of Excellence — TK Business Magazine


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Abbey Frye | YWCA Women of Excellence
Kansas Gas Service

Abbey Frye  |  YWCA Women of Excellence

Abbey Frye
Director of Customer Service
Kansas Gas Service

Kansas born and raised, Abbey Frye is a graduate of Washburn Rural High School, received her Accounting degree from Washburn University and MBA from Baker University. 

Abbey is the Director of Customer Service for Kansas Gas Service with more than 14 years of utility industry experience. Serving as the Secretary for the Board of Directors and Chair of the CHRP (Compliance, Human Resources, and Policy) Committee for the Boys and Girls Club of Topeka, Abbey enjoys giving back to the community. Previously, she has served on the Board of Directors for Safe Kids Kansas, been a Junior Achievement classroom volunteer, and YMCA girls’ volleyball coach. 

As a leader, Abbey is passionate about coaching and mentoring and strives to expand her positive impact through her continuous commitment to prioritize people. She works to emphasize the value and importance of every employee and customer, not through “rah-rah” motivation, but through daily interactions and meaningful feedback.

TK: What inspires you?
My kids, I want them to be proud of me.

Also, other women who are sacrificing, juggling, executing and persevering to achieve and accomplish their goals. These amazing women inspire me to focus on a better version of me.

TK: What advice do you have for others?
Learn your strengths and hone in on those superpowers; take criticism and critiques with a grain of salt.

Find a tribe of supporters, promoters and those who have your back when you are not in the room – those people are your people.

Keep learning, always.

TK: What is the greatest lesson you have learned on your journey?
Leadership spreads like fire…poor leadership burns everyone and leaves ashes; great leadership can be the guiding light people need to find the pathway.

The YWCA is on a mission to empower women at all stages in their careers. Diversity in leadership is particularly vital to our vibrant business community in the Greater Topeka Area.

The YWCA is celebrating 31 years of recognizing Women of Excellence in our community with the theme “Dare to be Powerful.” We dare to be powerful, despite whatever obstacles may present themselves along the way. 

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
- Audre Lorde

Back to Complete List of YWCA Women of Excellence

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